Meaning and usage of fat word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word fat

Word of the Day: Fat

Extra body weight is often called “fat.” This excess weight shows up around the stomach, but it can also be seen in other parts of the body. Be careful in how you use this word. Some people are offended if they are labeled as “fat.”

  • Harold is a fat man. (This sentence uses “fat” as an adjective.)
  • He likes to eat and he doesn’t care if he gains weight.
  • Sandra says she’s getting fat.
  • She doesn’t want to be fat.
  • If you sit at a desk and work on a computer all day, you might become fat.
  • I need to lose the fat around my waist. (This sentence uses “fat” as a noun.)

Fat is also something commonly found in food. Many animal products contain high amounts of fat. Some fat is good; other types of fat are bad. We all need some fat in our diet, but eating too many things that have high amounts of fat is not healthy.

  • Sandra is on a low-fat diet.
  • Harold likes fatty foods. He says they taste better. (The word “fatty” is often used in place of “fat.”)
  • Whole milk has a lot of fat in it. It’s better to drink milk that has two percent or one percent fat.

The word “fatten” is a verb. It means to make someone or something fat.

  • Cows are fattened on corn before they are slaughtered for their meat.
  • George is trying to fatten himself by eating a lot of ice cream. He wants to be heavier.
  • American kids fattened on fast food may develop health problems.


  • A person who is extremely overweight is said to be obese. Obesity becomes a health problem.
  • It’s generally not polite to describe a person as fat. It’s better to say that person is heavy or overweight if you must say something.


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