Word of the Day: Excuse
When the word “excuse” is used as a noun, it refers to a reason for behavior or a lack of action. Notice that the “s” in this word is unvoiced.
- He made an excuse for his behavior.
- If you’re absent from class, you should bring an excuse to the teacher.
- Do you have an excuse?
- There’s really no excuse for doing that to another person.
- Marta’s supervisor asked her for an excuse regarding the rude way in which she spoke to a customer, but she had no excuse.
- That’s a very poor excuse.
- He’s a poor excuse for a human being.
- Excuses, excuses! (Said in response to a person who is always making excuses for something.)
When the word “excuse” is used as a verb, it’s the action of providing a reason for something, usually misbehavior or an accident. Notice that the “s” in this word is a voiced “z” sound.
- Excuse me. I’m sorry.
- Please excuse me.
- The man asked his wife to excuse his behavior.
- There’s no excusing that sort of behavior.
- Excuse us, please. We have to get through. (Said when trying to get though a crowded area.)
- Excuse our mess. We haven’t had a chance to clean up lately.
- May I be excused? (Said by polite children who ask their parents for permission to leave the table after eating a meal.)
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