Meaning and usage of except word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word except

Word of the Day: Except

 1. He likes to play all sports except soccer. (except = but not. He doesn’t like to play soccer.)

 2. Except for when it snows, they spend a lot of time outdoors.

Note: This example uses “except” as a conjunction.

3. Normally, I eat healthy food except for donuts.

4. Except for his keyboarding skills, he’s pretty good at using a computer.

5. I remembered to bring everything today except my keys. I forgot them at home.

6. The mail is picked up from this mailbox every day except Sunday.

7. He gets along with everyone except his wife. (He doesn’t get along with his wife.)

8. She gets along with everyone except her husband. (She doesn’t get along with her husband.)

 9. This soup tastes good–except it needs salt. (The soup doesn’t have any salt in it.)

*This example uses “except” as a conjunction. A clause, “it needs salt” follows “except.”


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