Meaning and usage of damp word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word damp

Word of the Day: Damp

The adjective “damp” describes the presence of water– but not a lot of water. We usually use “damp” for objects made of cloth, the ground, and the air. It’s similar to the adjective “moist.”

  • There’s a damp towel hanging on the towel rack.
  • The ground is damp because it rained last night.
  • The air felt damp after it rained.
  • Our house feels damp because of the high humidity.
  • It’s not a good idea to leave the house with damp hair in the winter.
  • Her hair is damp because of the rain.

The word “dampen” is a verb. To dampen something is to make it wet, but it also means that something is reduced or made less.

simple past past participle
  • The woman dampened the towel with cold water and applied it to her forehead.
  • I hate to dampen your spirits, but it looks like we aren’t going to make our goals for this quarter.
  • Our expectations for a successful event were dampened by the weather.


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