Meaning and usage of clue word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word clue

Word of the Day: Clue

clue is a hint or an indication that something happened. Clues help a person gain knowledge or find information.

  • Police investigators look for clues at the scene of a crime.
  • Clues are useful when trying to solve a mystery.
  • Criminals are likely to leave clues which can be used to determine who did what and where.
  • Scientists use clues to form theories and hypotheses.
  • Historians discover clues that support their ideas about activities in the past.

The word “clue” is commonly used in some popular expressions:

  • She has no clue as to the whereabouts of her cell phone. (She doesn’t know where her cell phone is.)
  • I have not a clue. (I don’t know.)
  • He’s really needs to get a clue. (He needs to pay more attention to what’s happening.)
  • He’s totally clueless. (He doesn’t understand something that’s important.)
  • Clue me in. (Tell me what’s happening.)


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