Meaning and usage of button word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word button

Word of the Day: Button

button is something that you push in order to achieve a result. Buttons often appear on machines. They also hold things together on clothing. There are many different types of buttons:

  • Push the button on an elevator to go to any floor
  • Buttons on a calculator are pushed when adding or subtracting numbers.
  • The button on this machine starts it and stops it. It’s the power button.
  • What does this button do?
  • Buttons are also found on clothing.

If you lose a button from your clothing, you can say, “There’s a button missing.”

  • Everyone has a belly button.

Have you noticed how we pronounce this word? we say “button” (but’n) The second vowel sound formed by the “o” is not audible. Some people pronounce the word like this: “button” (bu tin). Most people (in the United States) pronounce it the way we do.


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