Meaning and usage of bed word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word bed

Word of the Day: Bed

bed is a long horizontal surface upon which people sleep. This word represents basic English vocabulary.

  • It’s time to go to bed.
  • I have to go to bed.
  • The children are in bed.
  • What time did you get out of bed this morning.
  • What time do you usually go to bed at night?
  • Do you make your bed in the morning? (A made bed is a bed in which the sheets, linens, and pillows are straightened.)
  • Most people make their beds after they wake up.
  • A twin bed is for one person.
  • A double bed is larger than a twin-sized bed.
  • A queen-sized bed is designed for two people.
  • A king-sized bed can hold two or more people.
  • A bunk bed is two twin beds connected, one on top of the other.

The word “bed” is used for other purposes:

  • A bedroom is a room where people go to sleep. (bed + room = bedroom)
  • Bedrock is the solid rock that’s found under dirt, sand, and gravel. (bed + rock = bedrock)
  • It’s important for large buildings to be anchored into bedrock.
  • A flower bed is a place where flowers are grown.
  • Gardeners get their beds ready for spring planting in the fall or the spring.
  • A bed bug is a very small insect that might be found in a person’s bed.
  • Sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite. (This is a popular saying.)
  • A person with bedhead has messy hair, as if he or she just woke up.
  • You’ve made your bed, now you have to lie in it. (This means that a person must manage or deal with the situation that he or she has created, for better or worse.)
  • Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. (This is a famous proverb.)

It’s important for some students to listen to and practice pronouncing other words that sound similar to the word “bed.” Listen to your teacher pronounce these words:

bed / bad / bath / bead


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