Meaning and usage of amount word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word amount

Word of the Day: Amount

Use the word “amount” when describing quantity. Someone wants to know how much or how many there are of something. An amount can be a large of small number.

  • What’s the amount of sleep that you need to maintain your health?
  • Do you know the amount of water that you drink every day?
  • Before buying something, it’s a good idea to know the amount.
  • What’s the amount? (What’s the total price?)
  • Can you tell me the amount, please?
  • Cindy’s apartment has a very small amount of space for storage.
  • A large amount of pollution is created by automobile exhaust.
  • A certain amount of patience is required when working in a classroom.

The word “amount” can also be used as a verb:

simple past past participle
  • What does this amount to? (How much is it?)
  • We hope our efforts amount to something. (We hope there is a good result.)
  • Todd hasn’t amounted to very much. (His accomplishments in life are few.)


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