Meaning and usage of wholesome word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word wholesome

Word of the Day: Wholesome

The words “whole” and “some” have completely different meanings from the adjective that they create when they are put together. Something that is “wholesome” is healthy, family-friendly, or good for the soul.

  • Walt Disney is well-known for producing wholesome entertainment that the entire family can enjoy.
  • That restaurant sells very wholesome food. Everything is fresh and most of it is organic.
  • We were surprised to learn that the people living across the street were not living wholesome lives.
  • The candidate for the senate is trying to present herself as honest and wholesome.
  • Priests do their best to live wholesome lives.
  • The Minnesota State Fair is generally regarded as a fun and wholesome activity.
  • The Subway sandwich franchise promotes itself as a wholesome alternative to fast food.


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