Meaning and usage of watch word
What is definition, meaning and usage of word watch

Word of the Day: Watch

When the word “watch” is used as a verb, it means that a person is actively looking at something and paying attention while looking. It’s a little different from the verbs “look” or “see.”

  • I saw a movie at the movie theater.
  • I watched a movie on TV.
  • I looked at the TV.

Generally, we use the verb “see” for films and movies, and we use “watch” for entertainment on a television or large-screen TV.

Here are some more examples of how the word “watch” is used as a verb:

  • Who watches your kids while you are away from home? (watch = baby sit)
  • Investors watch changes that occur in the stock market.
  • Consumers watch for prices to drop in the form of a sale.
  • One way to learn how to play baseball is to watch people play it.
  • The police are watching the man who lives in the house down the street. (watch = follow; monitor)
  • What do you like to watch on TV?
  • You have to watch out for other people. (watch out = pay attention to what people are doing)
  • The Superbowl is the most watched television program of the year. (The word “watched” is an adjective in this sentence.)
  • The pirates watched as their ship sank. (This sentence is in the past tense.)

The word “watch” can be used as an interjection:

  • Hey, watch out! (watch out = be careful)
  • Watch it! (watch it = I’m giving you a warning.)
  • Watch. (watch = pay attention)

When the word “watch” is used as a noun, it can refer to a device used for telling time:

  • He’s wearing a watch.
  • Maria looked at her watch to see what time it was.
  • A Rolex is a nice watch.
  • Do you wear a watch?

As a noun, the word “watch” is also used when there’s a concerted effort to pay attention to something:

  • A tornado watch was announced on television a few minutes ago. (tornado watch = conditions are good for a tornado to form)
  • A neighborhood watch group was formed by neighbors concerned about crime.
  • People whose names are on a terrorist watch list are prevented from boarding airplanes.


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