Word of the Day: Uneasy
A person who feels uneasy feels uncomfortable or nervous about something or someone.
- I feel uneasy about this.
- You look uneasy. What’s wrong?
- Dave says he feels uneasy about having to travel by air.
- Vanessa told me she’s uneasy around people who are well educated.
- Maria told the doctor she felt very uneasy about a pain she’s been having in her stomach.
- There’s this strange man who lives down the street. He makes everyone uneasy because he’s loud and he’s kind of mean.
- Albert gets uneasy whenever a police car is directly behind his car.
- The police make some people feel a little uneasy.
- Bruce feels uneasy whenever he has to talk to his boss about something.
The words “uneasiness” and “unease” are nouns.
- I’m feeling some unease.
- I wish this feeling of unease would just go away.
- After we paid off all of our credit cards, our uneasiness over our debt disappeared.
- A feeling of unease quickly spread over the crowd when a man walked into the auditorium carrying a gun.
- There’s some uneasiness felt among people who travel to countries where the crime rate is high.
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