Conversation Category-Discuss Topics related to Social Problems-Marriage/Divorce and Gender Equality



دروس بحث ازاد انگلیسی مربوط به دسته اسپیکینگ مشکلات اجتماعی

در اینجا لیستی از درس های مکالمه مربوط به مشکلات اجتماعی آمده است.


سوالات بیشتر برای صحبت کردن در باره مشکلات اجتماعی

در اینجا لیستی از موضوعات مرتبط با مشکلات اجتماعی برای اسپیکینگ آورده شده است


Crime Questions

1. What is a very common type of crime in the country that you come from?

2. What are a couple of things that you do to keep yourself safe from assault? At home? In your car? When you are out walking?

3. What do you think the government should do to reduce certain types of crimes such as drug abuse and theft?

4. Do you think the local government (the city you live in) does a good job of fighting crime? Is yes, what do they do? If no, what do you think they should do?

5. Are there certain laws that you disagree with that make it a crime to do something that you would like to do? What are they?

6. Is the death penalty a good deterrent for those willing to commit murder? Why or why not?





دسته های اسپیکینگ مرتبط

هیچ درسی


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