Do overs in life dialogue
Do over again in life

تقویت لیسنینگ زبان سطح پیشرفته سری 2 درس 4- مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر درباره از نو شروع کردن

در این درس به مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر که در مورد از نو شروع کردن صحبت می کنند گوش می دهید.


درس قبلی لیسنینگ زبان



فایل صوتی تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی با متن

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متن فایل صوتی

What would Adam change about his life?


Sarah: So Adam, today we’re talking about do-overs. So what is something that you wish you would have done over? For example, maybe something in your university life?

Adam: Yeah. There are a few things. I might change my major. I studied education, and while I enjoy what I’m doing right now, my free time I really like watching movies about science and astronomy. And if I would go back to school and start my studies over, I’d probably study something along those lines, astronomy and metaphysics or something.

I think that those topics are really interesting and on the cutting edge of science and just fascinating to explore.

Sarah: Interesting. Anything else you wish you would have done?

Adam: I might have been more involved in the sports clubs at my school. For example, the American football team. I played in high school but in college, I wanted to play but I didn’t have the motivation to push me over the edge to actually go out and really put my heart into it.

I went to one training day and kind of tried out, but I didn’t really pursue it as much as I would have liked. I think it would have been fun to be a part of that culture and that environment.

Sarah: How about something that you did do that maybe now you wish you hadn’t?

Adam: I pierced my ears in high school because that was the cool thing to do. But now I don’t wear earrings. And yeah, looking back on it, kind of just a silly thing to do that I’m trying to follow the trends, that, you know, trends usually pass.

So yeah, that would be something that I wouldn’t do again.

Sarah: Nice. Anything else you would have changed?

Adam: I might have made different decisions about my girlfriends at the time. I had a really good girlfriend in the beginning of college, and things didn’t work out because of a variety of reasons. But I think if we would have worked on it, we could have. We could have made it, made it happen. So yeah, that’s something I think about sometimes about life in college.

It’s always, you know, college love is kind of a crazy thing. So yeah, we’re too much like kids, I guess, I think at that age.

Sarah: Okay. Thanks, Adam.


کوییز برای تمرین لیسنینگ زبان

Answer these questions about the conversation.

1) He studied _____ .

  1. a) science
  2. b) history
  3. c) education


2) He played football _____ .

  1. a) in high school
  2. b) in college
  3. c) on a local club


3) He talks about getting a _____ .

  1. a) tattoo
  2. b) piercing
  3. c) bad hair cut


4) He did not stay with his girlfriend because _____ .

  1. a) of various reasons
  2. b) she moved away
  3. c) she broke his heart


5) College love is _____ .

  1. a) serious
  2. b) silly
  3. c) crazy



  • 1=c
  • 2=a
  • 3=b
  • 4=a
  • 5=c


نکات گرامر برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی



عبارات انگلیسی برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان

along those lines/  شبیه به چیزی که اشاره شد

  1. He hopes to create a new web business or something along those lines.
  2. I want to build a house or cabin or something along those lines.
  1.     او امیدوار است یک شبکه کسب و کار جدید یا چیزی شبیه آن را ایجاد کند.
  2.     می­خواهم خانه، کابین یا چیزی ما بین آن دو بسازم.


cutting edge/ اوج

  1. The ad campaign is on the cutting edge of marketing.
  2. Punk rock was once on the cutting edge of music experimentation.
  1.     کمپین تبلیغاتی در او ج بازاریابی است.
  2.     زمانی، پانک راک  در اوج تجارب موسیقیایی بود.


push me over the edge /  کسی را به سمت موفقیت، قله و .. هل دادن

  1. We never quit. We pushed ourselves over the edge when things looked bad.
  2. I did not want to continue, but she pushed me over the edge.
  1.     ما هیچ وقت تسلیم نشدیم. وقتی اوضاع بد بود خودمان را به قله رساندیم.
  2.     نمی خواستم ادامه بدهم، اما او مرا به سمت قله هل داد.


put your heart into/ دل به کار دادن

  1. If you do not put your heart into your education, you will not learn very much.
  2. He never put his heart into his job.
  1.     اگر دل به به درس و تحصیل ندهی، چیز زیادی یاد نمی­گیری.
  2.     او هیچ وقت دل به کار نمی­دهد.


try out/ امتحان کردن

  1. He tried out for the team, but was cut.
  2. She plans to try out for the cheerleaders.
  1.     او برای پیوستن به تیم تلاش کرد، اما رد شد.
  2.     برنامه دارد تشویق کننده بودن را امتحان کند.


Pass/ گذراندن

  1. Babies cry a lot, but it is a phase that will pass.
  2. All music trends pass over time.
  1.     نوزادان خیلی گریه می­کنند، اما مرحله­ای است که می­گذرد.
  2.     تمام جریان های موسیقی با گذر زمان محو می­شوند.


along those linesI’d probably study something along those lines.Here, ‘along those lines’ means ‘similar to’ something already mentioned. Notice the following:
  1. He hopes to create a new web business or something along those lines.
  2. I want to build a house or cabin or something along those lines.


cutting edge

Those topics are on the cutting edge of science.

The ‘cutting edge’ is the most advanced state of something. Notice the following:

  1. The ad campaign is on the cutting edge of marketing.
  2. Punk rock was once on the cutting edge of music experimentation.


push me over the edge

I didn’t have the motivation to push me over the edge.

Here, to ‘push over the edge’ means to reach a point where success becomes likely. Notice the following:

  1. We never quit. We pushed ourselves over the edge when things looked bad.
  2. I did not want to continue, but she pushed me over the edge.

put your heart into

I really put my heart into it.

When you put your heart into something, you are very committed to making something succeed. Notice the following:

  1. If you do not put your heart into your education, you will not learn very much.
  2. He never put his heart into his job.


try out

I tried out for the football team.

When you try out for a team, you audition to be one of the players. Notice the following:

  1. He tried out for the team, but was cut.
  2. She plans to try out for the cheerleaders.



Trends usually pass.

When somethings passes, it ends or stops existing. Notice the following:

  1. Babies cry a lot, but it is a phase that will pass.
  2. All music trends pass over time.


کوییز برای تمرین عبارات انگلیسی

  • pass
  • edge
  • heart
  • try out
  • those lines
  • push


  1. It should……..  over time.
  2. He does not have his……..  in the project.
  3. This is the cutting……..  of science.
  4. She will……..  for the team.
  5. It is something along……….  .
  6. This should……….  me over the edge.


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