Dialogue about farm life

تقویت لیسنینگ زبان سطح مبتدی سری 5 درس 11- مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر درباره زندگی در مزرعه

در این درس به مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر که در مورد زندگی در مزرعه صحبت می کنند گوش می دهید.


درس قبلی لیسنینگ زبان



فایل صوتی تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی با متن

فایل صوتی


متن فایل صوتی

Jim: Monica, you mentioned a farm home stay in New Zealand. Have you ever actually ever lived on a farm?

Monica: I haven’t lived on a farm as such, but I’ve visited family friends who have lived on farms.

Jim: Did you like it?

Monica: Yeah, I remember loving visiting my family friends on farms. Yeah, especially riding horses. I loved riding horses when I was young.

Jim: So are you good? Are you an equestrian professional?

Monica: I wouldn’t say that. I do remember one time. My mother always seems to tell people this story about when I was young, and we were at her friend’s farm. I was on a horse, and the horse took off, and I was only about, I think ten at the time and I was hanging off the side of this horse and my mother was really worried for me, and then when the horse finally stopped she … you know … she came running up and asked me if I was OK and things, and apparently I said to her, “Oh, it’s OK. I wanted it to go fast.”

Jim: That’s cute. You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt though.

Monica: Yeah, well, I guess I just didn’t sense the danger.

Jim: Actually, I kind of grew up on a farm. My grandfather had a ranch growing up so I spend every summer on his ranch, so I have quite the … I don’t know … I guess I have a lot of experience on a farm. Yeah, it’s good. I remember when I was young I thought the life on a farm was just the best. I mean I had it so good, and I loved everything about living on a farm and I thought when I was gonna get older, I would want to be on a farm, but now that I’m older, I couldn’t image doing it every again.

Monica: What can’t you imagine doing?

Jim: I don’t know, I guess, I just couldn’t imagine all that work, and I think I’m just so addicted to city life or suburban life and living in a house and just doing work on computers and things like that. I couldn’t go back to that lifestyle, but when I was young, I have to admit, I enjoyed it a lot. So how about you? Could you see yourself moving and living on a farm?

Monica: Well, yeah, I think my thoughts are similar to yours in that I’m very used to being inside using a computer, and I’m used to a very different lifestyle to one that involves being on a farm, but yeah, I’ve never had a long period of time where I’ve stayed on a farm like you so yeah maybe it’s a bit different for me.



کوییز برای تمرین لیسنینگ زبان

Answer the following questions about the conversation.

1) Monica says she _______ .

  1. a) grew up on a farm
  2. b) raised horses
  3. c) often visited a farm


2) When she rode the horse she _________ .

  1. a) was a good rider
  2. b) was lucky not to get hurt
  3. c) was very careful


3) Jim ________ feelings about farms _____.

  1. a) has the same …. as he did before
  2. b) has different …. than he did before
  3. c) had bad … but not anymore


4) What does ‘doing all that work’ refer to?

  1. a) working on computers
  2. b) doing work on a farm
  3. c) working with animals


5) Monica ____ Jim.

  1. a) agrees with
  2. b) disagrees with
  3. c) feels sorry for



  • 1=c
  • 2=b
  • 3=b
  • 4=b
  • 5=a


نکات گرامر برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی



عبارات انگلیسی برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان

as such/ به آن شکل،

  1. I’m not a professional musician as such, but I’ve played drums at many school parties.
  2. I’m not a professional musician, but I’ve played drums at many school parties.
  1.     من به معنای واقعی کلمه یک نوازنده‌ی حرفه‌ای نیستم، اما در مهمانی‌های مدرسه‌ی زیادی طبل نواخته‌ام.
  2.     من یک نوازنده‌ی حرفه‌ای نیستم، اما در مهمانی‌های مدرسه‌ی زیادی طبل نواخته‌ام.


I wouldn’t say that/  نمی­گویم

  1. I wouldn’t say I’m fluent in English as such, but most native speakers understand me.
  2. I love History and I studied it in college, but am I an expert? I wouldn’t say that.

1.نمی­گویم خیلی در زبان انگلیسی خوب هستم، اما بیشتر انگلیسی زبان­ها مرا می­فهمند.

من عاشق تاریخم و در دانشگاه هم تاریخ خواندم، اما کارشنارس تاریخ هستم؟ چنین نظری ندارم.


hanging off/ آویزان شدن

  1. As the fire raged, people were hanging off the outside of the building.
  2. My neighbor always hangs her laundry off the balcony.
  1. در حالی که آتش زبانه می‌کشید، مردم برای نجات خود از دیوارهای بیرونی ساختمان آویزان شده بودند.
  2.     همسایه من همیشه لباس هایش را از بالکن آویزان می­کند.


sense the danger/ احساس خطر کردن

  1. Jogging through the park at night, I didn’t sense the danger people often speak of.
  2. Judging by her silence, he sensed his teacher was annoyed.
  1.     دویدن شب هنگام در پارک، من به شخصه خطری را که دیگران از آن حرف می­زدند را حس نکردم.
  2.     با توجه به سکوتش، احساس کرد معلمش ناراحت شده است.


suburban life/  زندگی در حومه شهر

  1. For me, suburban life is boring and far from places I like to hang out at.
  2. Suburban life is great for families. It’s quieter and safer than the city.
  1.     برای من، زندگی در حومه شهر خسته‌کننده است و از جاهایی که دوست دارم وقت بگذرونم، دور است.
  2.     زندگی در حومه شهر برای خانواده‌ها عالی است. ساکت‌تر و امن‌تر از شهر است.

as such

I haven’t lived on a farm as such.

The phrase ‘as such’ functions similarly to the word ‘but’ and can often be omitted. Notice the following:

  1. I’m not a professional musician as such, but I’ve played drums at many school parties.
  2. I’m not a professional musician, but I’ve played drums at many school parties.


I wouldn’t say that

An equestrian professional? I wouldn’t say that.

We use the phrase ‘I wouldn’t say that’ when something is not 100% true. Here are two samples:

  1. I wouldn’t say I’m fluent in English as such, but most native speakers understand me.
  2. I love History and I studied it in college, but am I an expert? I wouldn’t say that.


hanging off

I was hanging off the side.

When somebody or something is ‘hanging off’, it is attached from above with no support from below. Notice the samples:

  1. As the fire raged, people were hanging off the outside of the building.
  2. My neighbor always hangs her laundry off the balcony.


sense the danger

I just didn’t sense the danger.

When we sense something we have a feeling about it, but we don’t know exactly why. Here are some samples:

  1. Jogging through the park at night, I didn’t sense the danger people often speak of.
  2. Judging by her silence, he sensed his teacher was annoyed.


suburban life

I enjoy suburban life and living.

The suburbs are an area just outside the city. There are a lot of houses and small apartments, but not many tall buildings. Life there is very different from city life. Notice the sample sentences:

  1. For me, suburban life is boring and far from places I like to hang out at.
  2. Suburban life is great for families. It’s quieter and safer than the city.


کوییز برای تمرین عبارات انگلیسی

  • as such
  • wouldn’t say
  • hanging off
  • sensed
  • suburban life
  1. I………..  that I know the city well, but I do live in this area.
  2. After years of living in the city he enjoyed the quiet………..  .
  3. From the way he slammed the door I………….  that he was frustrated.
  4. The little monkey was……..  a tree branch and looking at us.
  5. He’s not a miracle worker………..  , but he does give excellent


درس بعدی لیسنینگ زبان



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