english grammar quiz for intermediate level
HiCafe learn & practice English grammar level 2 review

آیا تمام درس‌ها را دردوره گرامر به صورت درس به درس- سطح 2 ما تمام کرده‌اید و تمرین کرده‌اید. آیا آماده‌اید تست کنید تا ببینید با انجام یک تست مرور سریع چقدر تاکنون یاد گرفته‌اید؟ پس همین حالا تست زیر را تمام کنید:

تست مرور گرامر سطح 2

پاسخ های خود را روی یک کاغذ بنویسید و آن را با پاسخ ها مقایسه کنید.


هر جمله را با فعل اصلی در زمان حال، منفی بنویسید

man on bike
1. He ________ ________ a car. (have)
2. His friends_______ ________ it’s possible to ride a bike in the winter. (think)
3. His coworkers ________ ________ their bikes to work. (ride)
4. He ______ _______ a helmet when he rides his bike. (wear)Write each sentence with the main verb in the past tense, negative:
business people
5. They ________ ________ yesterday because it was Sunday. (work)
6. She ________ _________ any breakfast this morning. (have)
7. He ________ ________ any work today. (do)
8. They ________ ________ to any meetings last week. (go)Answer each question with an affirmative short answer: (Yes, she is….No, she isn’t.…etc.)
woman in red dress
9A: Is she wearing a red dress?
9B: ______, _______ _______.
10A: Does she like like the dress?
10B: ______, ________ _______.
11A: Do her friends like it?
11B: _______, _______ _______.
12A: Are they all going out tonight?
12B: _______, ________ ______.
13A: Will she be home before 10:00?
13B: _______, ________ ______.
14A: Do you want to meet her?
14B: _______, _______ _______.Answer each question with a negative short answer: (No, it….., No, there…No, they…, etc.)
15A: Is this a lime?
15B: ______, _______ ________.
16A: Are avocados orange?
16B: _______, _______ ________.
17A: Was this avocado expensive?
17B: _______, _______ _______.
18A: Does this look ripe to you?
18B: _______, _______ ________.
19A: Did you buy it?
19A: _______, _______ ________.
20A: Is there an avocado in your backpack?
20B: _______, _______ ________.Use the correct object pronoun for each sentence:
21. She’s looking at __________. (a man)
22. He’s not looking at _________. (a woman)
23. He’s looking at the apple.
He wants ________.
24. Do you know _________? (the man and the woman)
25. They don’t know _________. ( I / your teacher)Use the correct reflexive pronoun in each sentence or question:
26. He needs to be careful. He could hurt _________ with that knife.
27. I cut __________ with a knife last week.
28. Did you ever hurt __________ while cooking?
29. My wife burned _________ when she grabbed the pan in the oven.Choose “much” or “many” to complete each sentence or question:
30. There aren’t very __________ apples on the table.
31. How _________ fruit is there?
32. How ________ oranges do you see?
33. All this fruit was on sale. It didn’t cost very _______ money.Choose “some” or “any” to complete each sentence:
people talking at a party
34. They had __________ friends over for a party.
35. They ordered _________ pizza.
36. They didn’t buy ________ beer.
37. Their friends brought _________ wine.
38. No one wanted ________ pepperoni on the pizza.

Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence:
39. This apartment building is _______ a very busy street.
40. It’s located ______ a big city.
41. Jorge lives _________ 2143 Oak Street.
42. He’s not __________ home right now.
43. His building is ________ the ocean.

Use “will” and the main verb to form the future tense
44. We ___________ early tomorrow morning. (leave)
45. The plane _______ probably ________ in Boston after 2:00 in the afternoon. (arrive)

Use the main verb in the “going to” future tense:
Family walking
46. ________ they ______________ for a walk? (go)
47. No, they ________________ for a walk. (go). They ________________ a drive through the country. (take)
48. Who _____________________? (drive)
49. Her husband ___________________ the driving. (do)
50. Their son _____________________ in the back seat. (sit)


Grammar Level 2 Review- Answers

Write each sentence with the main verb in the present tense, negative:
man on bike
1. He doesn’t have a car. (have)
2. His friends don’t think it’s possible to ride a bike in the winter. (think)
3. His coworkers don’t ride their bikes to work. (ride)
4. He doesn’t wear a helmet when he rides his bike. (wear)

Write each sentence with the main verb in the past tense, negative:
business people
5. They didn’t work yesterday because it was Sunday. (work)
6. She didn’t have any breakfast this morning. (have)
7. He didn’t do any work today. (do)
8. They didn’t go to any meetings last week. (go)

Answer each question with an affirmative short answer: (Yes, she….)
woman in red dress
9A: Is she wearing a red dress?
9B: Yes, she is.
10A: Does she like like the dress?
10B: Yes, she does.
11A: Do her friends like it?
11B: Yes, they do.
12A: Are they all going out tonight?
12B: Yes, they are.
13A: Will she be home before 10:00?
13B: Yes, she will.
14A: Do you want to meet her?
14B: Yes, I do.

Answer each question with a negative short answer: (No, it…..)
15A: Is this a lime?
15B: No, it isn’t.
16A: Are avocados orange?
16B: No, they aren’t.
17A: Was this avocado expensive?
17B: No, it wasn’t.
18A: Does this look ripe to you?
18B: No, it doesn’t.
19A: Did you buy it?
19A: No, I didn’t.
20A: Is there an avocado in your backpack?
20B: No, there isn’t.

Use the correct object pronoun for each sentence:
21. She’s looking at him. (a man)
22. He’s not looking at her. (a woman)
23. He’s looking at the apple.
He wants it.
24. Do you know them? (the man and the woman)
25. They don’t know me. ( I / your teacher)

Use the correct reflexive pronoun in each sentence or question:
26. He needs to be careful. He could hurt himself with that knife.
27. I cut myself with a knife last week.
28. Did you ever hurt yourself while cooking?
29. My wife burned herself when she grabbed the pan in the oven.

Choose “much” or “many” to complete each sentence or question:
30. There aren’t very many apples on the table.
31. How much fruit is there?
32. How many oranges do you see?
33. All this fruit was on sale. It didn’t cost very much money.

Choose “some” or “any” to complete each sentence:
people talking at a party
34. They had some friends over for a party.
35. They ordered some pizza.
36. They didn’t buy any beer.
37. Their friends brought some wine.
38. No one wanted any pepperoni on the pizza.

Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence:
39. This apartment building is on a very busy street.
40. It’s located in a big city.
41. Jorge lives at 2143 Oak Street.
42. He’s not at home right now.
43. His building is on the ocean.

Use “will” and the main verb to form the future tense
44. We will leave early tomorrow morning. (leave)
45. The plane will probably arrive in Boston after 2:00 in the afternoon. (arrive)

Use the main verb in the “going to” future tense:
Family walking
46. Are they going to go for a walk? (go)
47. No, they aren’t going to go for a walk. (go) They are going to take a drive through the country. (take)
48. Who is going to drive? (drive)
49. Her husband is going to do the driving. (do)
50. Their son is going to sit in the back seat. (sit)


تدریس یک به یک زبان انگلیسی

اگر برای اتمام آزمون مرور خود به کمک نیاز دارید، می توانید با مراجعه به صفحه تدریس خصوصی زبان انگلیسی ما، یکی از معلمان خصوصی زبان انگلیسی ما را استخدام کنید و درخواست خود را ارسال کنید. هنگام ارسال درخواست، حتما سطح گرامر را ذکر کنید.

آزمون های گرامری مرتبط

به عنوان یادآوری، اگر تمام آزمون‌های مربوط به این سطح گرامر را تمام نکرده‌اید، پیشنهاد می‌کنیم به صفحه آزمون‌های گرامر سطح 2 بروید و قبل از رفتن به سطح گرامر بعدی، تمام آزمون‌های خود را تمام کنید.

سطح گرامر بعدی

برای رفتن به سطح گرامر بعدی می توانید اینجا را کلیک کنید.