تقویت لیسنینگ زبان سطح متوسط سری 4 درس 1- مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر درباره خطرات در جزایر
در این درس به مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر که در مورد خطرات در جزایر صحبت می کنند گوش می دهید.
درس قبلی لیسنینگ زبان
فایل صوتی تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی با متن
فایل صوتی
متن فایل صوتی
Cheryl talks about dangerous things on her island.
Nick: Is there any natural disasters which happen?
Cheryl: Yeah, there’s plenty of natural disasters. Guam is actually right on the coast of a reef formation called the Mariana’s trench and underneath, in this trench is the lowest part of the world, the deepest part of the world.
Nick: Wow!
Cheryl: Yeah, so we joke about it. We joke that Guam’s highest mountain, Mt. Lan Lan is actually the highest mountain in the world if you count off from its base which is in the Marianas trench, the lowest part of the world.
Nick: Wow, that’s amazing! So there must be good diving if you talk about barrier reefs.
Cheryl: Yeah, there’s plenty of good diving. It’s got really great diving like you would find in Hawaii or in the Great Barrier Reef. And many, many tourists from all over Asia come to Guam to scuba dive because of their great spots. It’s the closest US soil they can get to.
Nick: Ah, I see. But in Australia in the Great Barrier Reefs, there’s lots of dangerous animals. Is that the case in Guam as well?
Cheryl: Well, actually that’s funny you should ask, there has been a recent article about a guy in Guam, a very young guy who was scuba diving, and he got stung by a lion fish, but that is the extent of the dangerous animals of Guam. You’d have to go out into the deep sea to find more dangerous animals. But I think the most dangerous ones we have are quite small — things like the lion fish which I just mentioned, he just got stung, but it wasn’t anything terrible. We do have reef sharks, but they are not great white sharks so they are quite small and smaller poisonous things like trigger fish, those you just have to be careful about whenever you are scuba diving, but other than that there’s not much dangers in the sea.
Nick: Great.
کوییز برای تمرین لیسنینگ زبان
Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) She mentions a ______ .
- a) volcano
- b) fault line
- c) deep trench
2) She jokes that Guam’s mountain is ______ .
- a) small like a lamb
- b) called Mariana
- c) actually very tall
3) She says the diving is _____ .
- a) similar to the Barrier Reef
- b) better than in Hawaii
- c) popular with tourists
4) She says the lionfish _____ .
- a) kills many people
- b) cannot kill people
- c) rarely sting people
5) You need to be careful of _____ .
- a) trigger fish
- b) reef sharks
- c) great white sharks
- 1=a,c7
- 2=c
- 3=a,c
- 4=c
- 5=a,b
نکات گرامر برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی
عبارات انگلیسی برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان
natural disasters/ بلایای طبیعی
- In the state of Kansas, the most common natural disaster is tornadoes.
- The birthday party was a total disaster because the food made everyone sick!
- در ایالت کانزاس، رایج ترین بلای طبیعی گرد باد است.
- مهمانی تولد یک فاجعهی واقعی بود چون غذا همه را مریض کرد!
Reef/ آبسنگ
- The coral reef was a perfect spot for scuba diving.
- The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is one of the most famous in the world.
- صخرهی مرجانی جایی عالی برای غواصی بود.
- صخرهی مرجانی بزرگ استرالیا یکی از مشهورترین صخرههای مرجانی جهان است.
Base/ بن، اساس، پایه، لایه زیرین
- I found her sleeping in the park at the base of a tree.
- They finished building the base of the house after just 3 days.
- من او را وقتی زیر درختی در پارک خوابیده بود پیدا کردم.
- آنها ساختن زیربنای خانه را در فقط 3 روز تمام کردند.
That’s funny you should ask/ خوب شد پرسیدی
A: I’m sorry, but I forgot your name. Could you tell me again?
B: That’s funny you should ask because I forgot your name too!
- متاسفم، اما اسمت را فراموش کردم. میشود دوباره به من بگویی؟
- خوب شد پرسیدی چون من هم اسمت را فراموش کردم.
Stung/ نیش زدن
- I have never been stung by a bee, have you?
- I’m terrified of getting stung by a jellyfish so I don’t swim when I go to the beach.
- تا به حال من را زنبور نیش نزده است، تو چی؟
- من از اینکه ستاره دریایی نیشم بزند میترسم پس زمانی که به ساحل میروم شنا نمیکنم.
natural disasters
Are there any natural disasters which happen?
Natural disasters are floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc. A disaster is a very bad event. See the following examples:
- In the state of Kansas, the most common natural disaster is tornadoes.
- The birthday party was a total disaster because the food made everyone sick!
Guam is actually right on the coast of a reef formation.
A reef is a place where the bottom of the sea rises up and is close to the surface of the water. The most famous reefs are made of coral and attract many fish. Some are also made of sand or rock. Notice the 2 examples below:
- The coral reef was a perfect spot for scuba diving.
- The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is one of the most famous in the world.
Mt. Lan Lan is actually the highest mountain in the world if you count off from its base.
A base is the bottom part of a structure. In the example above, the base is the bottom of the mountain. Study the examples below:
- I found her sleeping in the park at the base of a tree.
- They finished building the base of the house after just 3 days.
that’s funny you should ask
Well, actually that’s funny you should ask, there was a recent article about that.
The phrase, “that’s funny you should ask” does not really refer to anything being funny. A better way to think of it is, “that is lucky you asked me that…” See the following dialogue:
A: I’m sorry, but I forgot your name. Could you tell me again?
B: That’s funny you should ask because I forgot your name too!
He got stung by a lion fish.
Stung is the past tense form of sting. A sting is like a bite but from an animal that has a stinger, like a bee for example. See additional examples below:
- I have never been stung by a bee, have you?
- I’m terrified of getting stung by a jellyfish so I don’t swim when I go to the beach.
کوییز برای تمرین عبارات انگلیسی
- disaster
- reef
- base
- funny
- stung
- He was……. by a jelly fish and almost died.
- The recent earthquake was both a natural and humanitarian………. .
- The………. has beautiful coral.
- The………. of the mountain starts at the village.
- That’s……. you say that. I think so too.
درس بعدی لیسنینگ زبان
درس های لیسنینگ مرتبط
تمام دروس برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان
برای دیدن تمام 300 درس تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی های کافه، از صفحه یادگیری و تقویت مهارت شنیداری دیدن کنید.