تقویت لیسنینگ زبان سطح مبتدی سری 5 درس 15- مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر درباره پایان دادن به یک رابطه
در این درس به مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر که در مورد پایان دادن به یک رابطه صحبت می کنند گوش می دهید.
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Crystal: Hey, George, actually it’s funny that you mentioned relationships cause I’m actually having a problem with Joe.
George: Is that the guy with the curly hair?
Crystal: Yeah, that guy. He’s really nice and everything, but like I really don’t think it’s working out.
George: Why what’s wrong?
Crystal: Well, he’s really narrow-minded and I’m really different. We just … he’s nice and everything. He’s kind and sweet, and it’s just not for me, like we’re totally different people.
George: I see. So what are you going to do?
Crystal: I think I have to rip the band-aid and I think I’m just gonna send him an e-mail or something.
George: E-mail! But you’ve been dating for awhile now and you like him right?
Crystal: Yeah, we’re like so sweet together, but it’s just … I don’t see a future.
George: But isn’t an e-mail just a little too cold and he might tell other people about it, and rumors spreading and what not.
Crystal: OK, then, what do you think I should do? How should I do it?
George: You should probably just meet him face-to-face?
Crystal: Ugh! Face-to-face. OK. Where should I meet him? Like do you think I should just invite him over to my place?
George: You should probably do it in public, where, you know…
Crystal: Ooh, good, good, good, good. That’s better.
George: Maybe that cafe.
Crystal: Ah, that cafe. Yeah.
George: While I’m having my date, you can be breaking up with your boyfriend. It’ll be great!
Crystal: You’re so mean.
George: I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.
Crystal: I don’t know what to say. What do you think would hurt him less?
George: I gotta say honesty would be the best policy.
Crystal: Honesty. OK, so this is what I’m going to say. Joe, you’re great, but we’re not meant to be. How’s that?
George: Yeah, it’s great. It’s great.
Crystal: OK, so, OK, OK, I’m done. I think I’ll meet him at the cafe, and OK, things will work from then. I’ll improvise.
کوییز برای تمرین لیسنینگ زبان
Answer the following questions about the conversation.
1) She says that Joes is _______ .
- a) open-minded
- b) close-minded
- c) narrow-minded
2) George thinks sending an e-mail is ______.
- a) convenient
- b) cold
- c) acceptable
3) George thinks they should meet _________.
- a) in public
- b) in private
- c) at school
4) George says something that was ________ .
- a) uncalled for
- b) inappropriate for a cafe
- c) sweet and touching
5) Crystal will tell Joe that _________ .
- a) there are many fish in the sea
- b) they are not meant to be
- c) hit the road and never come back
- 1=c
- 2=b
- 3=a
- 4=a
- 5=b
نکات گرامر برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی
عبارات انگلیسی برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان
it’s funny you mention/ جالبه که… عجیبه که …
- It’s funny that you mentioned Michelle. I was just thinking about her.
- It’s funny that he mentioned the loan. I thought he’d forgotten.
- عجیبه که از میشل حرف زدی. همین الان داشتم بهش فکر میکردم.
- عجیبه که اون درمورد وام حرف زد. فکر میکردم فراموش کرده.
it’s not working out / جواب نمی دهد، نتیجه نمیدهد
- We’ve had many complaints about our new receptionist. I really don’t think he’s working out.
- My best friend’s new job pays well but she’s always too tired to study. I really don’t think it’s working out.
- شکایتهای زیادی در مورد مسئول پزیرش جدیدمان داشتیم. فکر نمیکنم کارش نتیجه دهد.
- شغل جدید دوستم درآمد خوبی دارد اما او همیشه برای مطالعه خسته است. فکر نمیکنم نتیجه بگیرد.
rip the band-aid/ انجام سریع و بدون تعلل کاری ناخوشایند
- It’s better to rip the band aid and tell him you lost his MP3 player.
- I think you should just rip the band-aid and tell her you’re going abroad.
- بهتر است با مسئله رو به رو بشی به او بگویی که MP3 پلیرش را گم کردهای.
- به نظر من بهتر است بدون تأخیر به او بگویید که قصد سفر به خارج از کشور را دارید.
uncalled for/ نیاز نیست، غیر ضروری
- Your friend’s bad behavior at the party was uncalled for.
- I shouldn’t have laughed at his new haircut. That was uncalled for.
- رفتار بد دوستت در مهمانی ضرورتی نداشت/ بی دلیل بود.
- نباید به مدل موی جدیدش میخندیدم. دلیلی نداشت.
honesty would be the best policy / صداقت بهترین سیاست است
- If you don’t love him, I think honesty would be the best policy. Just tell him.
- People tell little lies everyday so maybe honesty is not always the best policy.
- اگر دوستش نداری، فکر میکنم صداقت بهترین سیاست است. فقط به او بگو.
- مردم هر روز دروغ های غیرضرور/ کوچک میگویند، پس شاید صداقت بهترین سیاست نیست.
we’re not meant to be/ جواب نمی دهد، نتیجه نمیگیریم.
- He practiced his whole life for the Olympics, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
- After a very difficult year in Medical school, Sonia realized that her becoming a doctor simply wasn’t meant to be.
- او تمام زندگیش را برای المپیک تمرین کرده است، اما انگار قرار نبود نتیجه بگیرد.
2. بعد یه سال خیلی دشوار در مدرسه پزشکی، سونیا فهمید که دکتر شدن کار او نیست.
it’s funny you mention
Actually, it’s funny that you mentioned relationships.
We use the phrase ‘it’s funny that you mentioned [something]’ when somebody talks about a topic that we have been thinking about too. Notice the following.
- It’s funny that you mentioned Michelle. I was just thinking about her.
- It’s funny that he mentioned the loan. I thought he’d forgotten.
it’s not working out
I really don’t think it’s working out
When something isn’t working out it means that we are not happy with it. The phrase can refer to people or situations. Here are two samples.
- We’ve had many complaints about our new receptionist. I really don’t think he’s working out.
- My best friend’s new job pays well but she’s always too tired to study. I really don’t think it’s working out.
rip the band-aid
I have to rip the band-aid.
‘Rip the band aid’ is an idiom that means to take care of a problem with a painful but quick solution. Notice the samples.
- It’s better to rip the band aid and tell him you lost his MP3 player.
- I think you should just rip the band-aid and tell her you’re going abroad.
uncalled for
I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.
Something that is uncalled for’ isn’t necessary. It’s most often negative. Here are some samples.
- Your friend’s bad behavior at the party was uncalled for.
- I shouldn’t have laughed at his new haircut. That was uncalled for.
honesty would be the best policy
I gotta’ say, honesty would be the best policy.
The phrase ‘honesty is the best policy’ means the best way to take care of a situation is to tell the truth. Notice the following.
- If you don’t love him, I think honesty would be the best policy. Just tell him.
- People tell little lies everyday so maybe honesty is not always the best policy.
we’re not meant to be
You’re great, but we’re not meant to be.
When future plans or a current situation doesn’t happen the way we want, we say it is ‘not meant to be’. Here are two samples.
- He practiced his whole life for the Olympics, but it just wasn’t meant to be.
- After a very difficult year in Medical school, Sonia realized that her becoming a doctor simply wasn’t meant to be.
کوییز برای تمرین عبارات انگلیسی
- mention
- works out
- rip the band-aid
- uncalled for
- best policy
- meant to be
- Everyone thought they were……… as couple, but they got divorced after only a few years.
- Telling him the truth is definitely the………. in this situation.
- It’s crazy that you…………. that because I was just thinking about it yesterday.
- Your last comment was really……………. .
- I know that I should just…………. and tell him the truth, but I hate it when he’s mad at me.
- I really hope this new job…………. because I like all the people.
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