talking about saving money

تقویت لیسنینگ زبان سطح مبتدی سری 2 درس 16- مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر درباره پول خرج کردن


در این درس به مکالمه انگلیسی بین دو نفر که در مورد پول خرج کردن صحبت می کنند گوش می دهید.

درس قبلی لیسنینگ زبان


فایل صوتی تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی با متن

فایل صوتی



متن فایل صوتی

Abidemi: Are you good at saving money?

Jim: No, I’m terrible. I waste money. I waste so much money.

Abidemi: How?

Jim: Well, I don’t buy things on sale. I don’t use coupons. I buy anything I see. So, when I shop, I don’t look at prices. I just see the food or the thing and I get it and I buy it and I pay for it. And, then it’s sometimes very expensive. So, I just waste money. I don’t budget. I need to budget my money but I don’t budget my money. What about you? Are you good at saving money?

Abidemi: I don’t think I’m too bad at saving money. I look at prices a lot. I also buy a lot of things on sale. So, I’m able to save some money.

Jim: So, you look for discounts.

Abidemi: Yes, I do.

Jim: Do you use coupons or special offers?

Abidemi: No, I don’t, but if I see some I will use them.

Jim: So, do you waste money on anything? Like, maybe eating out, buying clothes, renting movies?

Abidemi: I waste money on buying clothes.

Jim: Oh, okay!

Abidemi: But, I save a little bit because I buy them on sale.

Jim: Ah, do you buy things online?

Abidemi: No, I don’t. I usually go into the stores to shop.

Jim: I’m good with clothes too. So, I don’t spend much money on clothes. I only shop maybe once a year. Or, I only shop if I need something, like it’s really cold and I need a jacket.

Abidemi: I see.

Jim: And, I’m really bad, so I often only wear clothes people give to me.

Abidemi: That’s good!

Jim: Yeah, so I get shirts or ties for Christmas gifts or a birthday gift, and I do that. My mom often asks … every year, my mom asks, “What do you want for Christmas?”, “What do you want for your birthday?”

And I’ll say, “Underwear and socks” or “Socks and T-shirts”. And so, she buys them for me and then I don’t have to buy them.

Abidemi: Wow. Sounds like you’re an easy person to give a present to.

Jim: Yes, for clothes. Yes, for clothes. But, I waste money on computers and electronics and those things are expensive. So, I buy a new computer every year. I have four computers now in my house.

Abidemi: Wow.

Jim: I have five mobile phones.

Abidemi: Wow.

Jim: I have an iPad. I have lots of electronic equipment. So, I spend so much money on those things.

Abidemi: I waste money on traveling.

Jim: Ah, yeah.

Abidemi: Every year, I take about one or two trips to different countries. So, that’s where a lot of my money go.

Jim: Yeah, traveling is expensive.

Abidemi: Yes, yes.

Jim: But, when you travel, do you save money? Do you stay at cheap hotels? Or, do you buy cheap plane tickets?

Abidemi: I try to. I try to all the time. But, usually the plane ticket is so expensive that a lot of my savings is already gone.

Jim: Yeah, I know. I buy my tickets online, usually with Expedia. And, it’s cheap. It’s pretty cheap. I waste money on food. I eat out almost every day.

Abidemi: Wow.

Jim: Or, I buy my dinner at the supermarket almost every day. Do you waste money on food?

Abidemi: No, I don’t. I usually get bored if I eat out too much, because even though I am not a very good cook, there are some thing that I cook that I like to eat. So, I would miss those things. So, no, I don’t waste money on eating out.

Jim: Ah, that’s interesting. So, you save money, I waste money. You have to teach me your tricks. You have to teach me your tips on saving money.

Abidemi: Please teach me how to get cheap travel tickets.

Jim: It’s a deal.

Abidemi: Thanks.


کوییز برای تمرین لیسنینگ زبان

Answer the following questions about the conversation.
1) Who is good at saving money?
a) She is.
b) He is.
c) Neither of them.

2) Who wastes a lot of money on food?
a) He does.
b) She does.
c) Neither of them.

3) What does she waste money on?
a) Eating out
b) Clothes
c) Gifts

4) How does he save money on clothes?
a) He asks for gifts
b) He looks for sales
c) He buys used clothing

5) Who talks about money and traveling?
a) Just her.
b) Just him.
c) Both of them



نکات گرامر برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان انگلیسی

نکته 1: هنگام صحبت در مورد اتفاقاتی که مدام رخ می­دهند یا تکرار می­شوند، از حال ساده استفاده می­شود.  از ساختار پایه برای او و دو شخص و سوم شخص جمع استفاده می­شود.

They work for a small company.
We live near the park.
I have a lot of friends from high school.
You speak really good English.

نکته 2: برای جملات منفی، قبل از فعل” do not” اضافه می­شود. در زبان محاوره، معمولا، به جای ” do not” از ” don’t” استفاده می­شود.

I do not have a lot of time. (written)
I don’t have a lot of time. (spoken)
They do not work here anymore. (written)
They don’t work here anymore. (spoken)

نکته 3: در پرسش­ها ” Wh”، قبل از فاعل، ” do” اضافه می­شود.

What time do you work?
Who do you eat with at work?
When do you usually go to bed?
How do they get to work?

نکته 4: اگر فاعل سوم شخص مفرد باشد، به آخر فعل ” s” اضافه می­شود. در درس بعدی، به ” سوم شخص” بیشتر پرداخته می­شود.

He knows a lot of peoples.
She makes a lot of money.
My dog hates cats and cars!
My smart phone has many apps.


عبارات انگلیسی برای تقویت لیسنینگ زبان

I’m terrible./ افتضاحم.
No, I’m terrible. I waste money.

اگر کسی می­گوید ” I’m terrible” به این معناست که در انجام کاری آنطور که باید عمل نکرده است. به مثال­های زیر توجه کنید:

  1. I’m terrible about remembering people’s names.
  2. My sister is terrible at saving money.
  1. من در به یاد آوردن اسم افراد افتضاح هستم.
  2. خواهرم در پس انداز کردن پول افتضاح است.


An easy person/ سختگیر نیست، راحت برخورد می­کند

اگر کسی” an easy person” باشد، به آن معناست که غر نمی زند و اهل شکایت زیاد نیست. به مثال­های زیر توجه کنید:

  1. I am an easy person to cook for. I eat everything.
  2. He is an easy person to live with. He is so nice.
  1. آشپزی کردن برای من آسان است. همه چیز را می‌خورم.
  2. زندگی کردن با او راحت است. او خیلی خوب است.


Eat out/ بیرون غذا خوردن


اگر کسی بیرون غذا می­خورد، به آن معناست که در خانه غذا نمی­خورد. به مثال­های زیر توجه کنید:

  1. I don’t eat out much. I like to cook and save money.
  2. My family eats out about once a week, usually at a pizza place.
  1. زیاد بیرون غذا نمی‌خورم. دوست دارم آشپزی کنم و پول پس انداز کنم.
  2. خانواده من، هفته‌ای یک بار بیرون غذا می‌خورند، معمولا در پیتزا فروشی.


Teach me your tricks/ ترفند هاتو یادم بده


اگر به کسی ترفنداتو یاد بدی، به آن معناست که روش خاصی را برای انجام کاری را به آنها یاد می­دهی. به مثال­های زیر توجه کنید:

  1. I love how you cooked this. You need to teach me your tricks.
  2. How do you stay so thin and eat so much? Teach me your tricks!
  1. جوری که این را پختی دوست دارم. باید ترفند هایت را یادم بدهی.
  2. چطوری هم لاغری و هم خیلی می‌خوری؟ رازهاتو بهم بگو!


it’s a deal/ قبوله

افراد هنگام قول دادن برای انجام کاری برای همدیگر از ” It’s a deal” یا ” you have a deal” استفاده می­کنند. . به مثال­های زیر توجه کنید:

  1. I can teach you Spanish if you teach me English.
    It’s a deal.
  2. If you fix my car, I will cook you dinner?

You have a deal!


  1. اگر به من انگلیسی یاد بدهی، من هم بهت اسپانیایی یاد می‌دهم.


2- اگر ماشینم را درست کنی، برایت شام می‌پزم.


I’m terrible.
No, I’m terrible. I waste money.When a person says ‘I’m terrible’ that means they do not do or act as they should. Notice the following:
  1. I’m terrible about remembering people’s names.
  2. My sister is terrible at saving money.


An easy person
Sounds like you’re an easy person to give a present to.

If you are an easy person that means you are not picky and that you do not complain much. Notice the following:

  1. I am an easy person to cook for. I eat everything.
  2. He is an easy person to live with. He is so nice.


Eat out
I waste money on food. I eat out almost every day.

When a person eats out, they do not eat at home. They eat at a restaurant. Notice the following:

  1. I don’t eat out much. I like to cook and save money.
  2. My family eats out about once a week, usually at a pizza place.


Teach me your tricks
You have to teach me your tricks.

If you teach someone your tricks, you show them a special way to do something. Notice the following:

  1. I love how you cooked this. You need to teach me your tricks.
  2. How do you stay so thin and eat so much? Teach me your tricks!


it’s a deal

People use the phrase ‘It’s a deal’ or ‘you have a deal’ when they promise to do something for each other. Notice the following:

  1. I can teach you Spanish if you teach me English.
    It’s a deal.


If you fix my car, I will cook you dinner?
You have a deal!



کوییز برای تمرین عبارات انگلیسی

  • terrible
  • easy person
  • eat out
  • teach me
  • Deal


  1. You need to ………. your tricks for getting bargains.
  2. My brother is …………. At saving money .
  3. My dad is a very …………… to shop for. He likes everything.
  4. It’s a ……….. I’ll help you if you help me.
  5. I try not to …………too much because it’s expensive .



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